Womb of Light
12th -15th of September 2024
Healing Retreat for Women
Womb Healing Retreat
Dear woman, sister, mother, daughter. You are invited to join a circle of women, to connect, pray, forgive, accept, heal, release and hold space for yourself, your heart and your womb.
With sacred practices and rituals specially designed for wom(b)en, you will get the possibility to share your magic, your pain, all of you and be held in a circle of sisters.
4 days dedicated to liberation, acceptance, love, peace, healing & reconnection.
These 4 days are there to give you space, to be held, to get nourished and to connect in a circle of sisters.
You will be guided into a journey of sacred practises. Trauma informed breathwork, sweatlodge, singing, dancing, and creative clay work. We will have deep sharing circles, and nourishing body practises for our womb energy, and hold space for each other, for healing purposes and empowering the woman that you are.
All women are welcome.
When women come together magic happens. It shall be a space to express openly about anything you experience right now, so you can receive your empowerment through connection with sisters.

Breathwork uses a simple technique, called “conscious connected breath”, a profound technique that deeply supports the clearing away of old energies, conditioning, negative thoughts/patterns and emotions.
It helps us to open up the doors for new possibilities and a greater consciousness. If done properly it is a “gateway” to your inside world, to truly see who you are with all layers of a human being, emotionally, physically and energetically. And yet the outcome is always a surprise, as we are all individuals caring different stories and backgrounds. The main result is pure presence & awareness, which eventually leads us into a fuller acceptance of what is.
Ritual, integration, sharing, singing and nourishing our body
Together we will create a powerful ritual for your individual healing space, so you can full honour where you are right now.
We will also dedicate a good amount of time for integration and sharing. Being together in nature, with sisters and being in a circle is how we create union and connection. It is the place where we can be seen, where we can let go of our masks, where we can step safely into vulnerability.
Before entering into the sweatlodge we unite our voice and we bring our prayers to the sky.

Temazcal (Sweatlodge)
Temazcal is a ceremony of purification, cleansing, rebirth and communion, one of the first practices that humans received from the spiritual world to reconnect us intimately with Creation. It represents the womb of mother earth.
Therefore, it is an opportunity to review our place as caretakers of life, nurture and cultivate the path in beauty and harmony with nature and recognize that we are all family.
Let's stop our routine, connect deeply with Mother Earth and listen to our heart, our inner voice.
Recreated in the similarity with the woman's womb, which is the same womb as Mother Earth, Temazcal is a ceremony where the same conditions that exist in the creation of Life are provided: Darkness, Heat, Humidity and recognition of the 4 elements (Fire, Air , Water and Earth)
You will be guided by:

Mela Mariposa
Mela Mariposa, is a mom of 1 boy, a breathwork facilitator, spirit coach and cacao mama, she loves sharing her passion in rituals and ceremonies.
The main focus in Mela's work is to accompany her clients/groups into a state of presence and into their heart space, where transformation can take place. She loves working with people who want to develop their potential and fulfil their dreams, people who are ready to go deep and want to dissolve old patterns and habits.
Mela has a huge background knowledge, she worked for over 12 years as a nurse in psychiatric clinics, she is a holistic nutritionist and spent years studying the science and practise of traditional yoga. She has lived, trained and taught in various communities in Asia and Europe. Nowadays she integrates shamanic work, western therapeutic elements and elements from traditional Yoga & Tantra.

Viento del Alba
Viento del Alba is a mother of 3, a holistic healer with over 15 years of experience. She invites you for a journey to a healthy and peaceful life, of empowerment and cultivation of self-love through acceptance.
Ceremonial leader which holds a safe space for your opening and relief. Her practice is based on Mexican Cosmology and Advaita perception.