Breathwork Ceremonies
Upcoming Breathwork Group Ceremonies
A simple technique called "conscious connected breath".
You can also call it a "gateway" to your inner world.
It is a profound breathing method that deeply supports the clearing away of old energies, conditioning, thought patterns and emotions.
Read more details about breathwork and it's benefits here.

"Conscious Connected Breath” to awaken all senses
Conscious breathing will most likely move energy, in can travel into all directions, depending on your day, your emotional state and your current stress levels.
You may get in touch with emotions, thought patterns and your deepest belief system.
"E-motions" are nothing else but energy in motion, as are thoughts and other mental projections. Your breath can move this energy at will when applied with a conscious intention and a clear focus. This way breathwork can open, connect or release anything that feels stuck or hidden in your system.
How do group sessions work:
A ceremony usually last between 3-4 hrs.
We take time in the beginning to meet each other, to open up for such a powerful journey, through exercises, movement, bodywork and sharing.
The feeling of safety and trust to reach a point of surrender is incredibly important. We integrate all layers of body, mind and spirit, to prepare you for a deep experience.
The breathing practise itself lasts approximately 1 hour, you will be lying on the floor if not mentioned differently and it is all guided with deep medicine music, sometimes with live music. After the breathing there is live sound healing for relaxation/integration and a possibility for sharing.
Different events may have a different topics/themes.
Please do not eat heavy meals before. Only light food such as fruits or vegetables, better is to be on an empty stomach though, 2-3 hrs before the session. In case you have diabetes please reach out.
It is recommended to attend more then 1 session, to benefit more from this powerful work.
If you are pregnant or you suffer from any psychosis, strong asthma, severe heart disease, glaucoma, please get in touch first.

Upcoming Events in Portugal
Breathwork Group Ceremony
Releasing and letting go of tension, embracing emotions, creating connection and allowing the breath to be our medicine.
The way this breathwork ceremony is structured is not about entering a catharsis, it is more about entering a deep state of yourself, with gentle connected nose breathing, in a trauma informed space.
It will allow you to feel, connect, and let go and be in a powerful group setting, where we will also work with the power of intention and prayer together with our altar.
There will be somatic work, movement, sharing, and different exercises to enhance the feeling of trust and connection.
Upcoming Dates & Locations:

23rd of January, 6 -9pm.
at the Little Yoga Space in Baixa.
Energy exchange:
45.- € /person, prepaid.
Registration required. Limited space. (max 8)
Breathwork Ceremony - Breathe in Connection
This is a very special ceremony. You will be guided into a a conscious connected breathing session, with a partner. You will breathe while looking into your partners eyes. The simple fact of someone else's presence will change your entire experience of this session. It may seem a bit scary and shaky, to expose yourself like this. Yet this is an incredible opportunity for you to watch your thoughts, your projections, your emotions and your feelings. Your opposite is like your mirror. You will be changing partners, and there are strict rules, regarding the interference with each other, to maintain a safe environment.
We focus to create a space for safety and connection, before we enter the breathing session. There will be somatic work, movement, sharing, and different exercises to enhance the feeling of trust and connection.

Upcoming Dates:
In co-creation with Fabio Cancogni, Co- Teacher of the Breathwork Faclitator Training in Portugal.
Price: 45 €, come with a partner 33 € each
registration and pre-payment required. Max. 20 ppl.