Breathwork Online
Upcoming Breathwork Groups Online
A profound breathing method that deeply supports the clearing away of old energies, conditioning, thought patterns and emotions.
Discovering the power of breathwork and keeping your breathing practise going.
Connecting to your breathwork community.
Read more details about breathwork and it's benefits here.

"Conscious Connected Breath” to awaken all senses
Conscious breathing will most likely move energy, in can travel into all directions, depending on your day, your emotional state and your current stress levels.
You may get in touch with emotions, thought patterns and your deepest belief system.
"E-motions" are nothing else but energy in motion, as are thoughts and other mental projections. Your breath can move this energy at will when applied with a conscious intention and a clear focus. This way breathwork can open, connect or release anything that feels stuck or hidden in your system.
How do group Online sessions work:
The groups sessions online usually last around 2 hrs.
We take time in the beginning to meet each other, to open up for such a powerful journey, through exercises, movement, dancing and sharing.
The feeling of safety, and trust to reach a point of surrender is incredibly important. Specially because we work online, we will spend time to gather resources for you, so you understand how to hold space for yourself at home.
The breathing practise itself lasts approximately 45 min, you will be lying on the floor if not mentioned differently and it is all guided with deep medicine music, sometimes with live music.
Different events may have a different topics/themes.
Please do not eat heavy meals before. Only light food such as fruits or vegetables, better is to be on an empty stomach though, 2-3 hrs before the session. In case you have diabetes please reach out.
If you are pregnant or you suffer from any psychosis, strong asthma, severe heart disease, glaucoma, please get in touch first.
How to prepare for an online session:
Please make sure you download the zoom application before you log in and take time to prepare yourself so you are ready when we start the call. Make sure you are not on a full stomach and rested.
Prepare a space were you can lie down and listen to the instructions. Prepare yourself a comfortable space, with some pillows and blankets and tissues in case you need it. Keep some water close by. Use some speakers or headphones and make sure nobody/nothing is disturbing for the duration of the session.
After the session, please take your time to relax, eat and drink well (lots of water) and connect to nature if possible. The best is not to schedule a lot of activity after the session.
Connect with me if you have any questions!
Upcoming Online Sessions:
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