New Years Retreat
The 3rd Edition at Galleli in Escholzmatt.
Enjoy our beautiful video from last year!
With Love & Joy
Mela & Miguel

Fully alive into the new!
Let’s end this year with coming together, to reflect, be, play, enjoy and bring aliveness into our system for those special last days of the year. We will spend time in a wonderful traditional Swiss house in the biosphere of Entlebuch. Our wonderful hosts, Monica and Schang will be lovingly taking care of us in their home and blessing us with delicious vegetarian/vegan meals for happy bellies. Coming together in this time is very precious, as we can consciously transform the old and focus on new intentions.
This retreat shall be a journey from our hearts to yours, a space for ceremony, ritual and celebration, a play ground where we invite you to loose control, to be spontaneous and open, a space of no concepts, an energy field for grounding and for flying high and going deep into your own magic.
We will share many different practices with you, with the intentions to drop from the head into the heart.
are our key words throughout this journey, becoming alive, feeling ourselfs fully, exploring curiously and practicing gratitude to our lifes, to our gifts and to our beautiful mother earth.
Like every year we love to integrate all 4 elements into this retreat.
Through daily morning yoga/meditation classes you have the chance to nourish your body and mind, to awaken the cells and bring more life energy (prana) through your system. We will integrate the beautiful nature surroundings, with going on walks in this stunning area, exploring rhythm in nature and playing with all nature elements.
And of course not to forget the yummy food with Ayurvedic influence. The Cacao will help us with its beautiful components of the Anandamin to come into a heart space and close the year with a heart-full ceremony. With creating an earth altar on the 1st day of the year, we give thanks to the earth and connect with our prayers for pacha mama and our new year ahead.
There will be a fire ritual on the first night of the new year. Together we set new intentions and connect to our inner fire. On the first day we light the fire of the sauna, this is an opportunity for you to cleanse/ detox.
Playfulness & Flow is something so important. We many times forget to be playful, so we invite all beings to bring in games, instruments, laughter and joy, as we will put a conscious effort onto awaken our inner child. And we will create the flow and space for some other magical creations to happen.
Being in this area, we will be able to enjoy nice crispy winter air and on the last day of the year, we will include breathwork, a powerful tool to release and transform old pattern and beliefs, to bring in more aliveness. Also trhoughout all these days we practice the sacred space of silence & deep listening .
The more conscious you breathe the more connected and aware you become.
Breathwork uses a simple technique, called “conscious connected breath”, a profound technique that deeply supports the clearing away of old energies, conditioning, negative thoughts/patterns and emotions.
It helps us to open up the doors for new possibilities and a greater consciousness. If done properly it is a “gateway” to your inside world, to truly see who you are with all layers of a human being, emotionally, physically and energetically. And yet the outcome is always a surprise, as we are all individuals caring different stories and backgrounds. The main result is pure presence & awareness, which eventually leads us into a fuller acceptance of what is.
Important to know:
This retreat is held in English and if needed with german translation.
This retreat is not suitable for you in case of pregnancy, or if you suffer of any severe heart disease, psychosis or epilepsy. Please get in touch if you are in any doubt about your health situation.
Dates & Location
Escholzmatt in the «Wild West of Lucerne» is a part of Switzerland’s first UNESCO biosphere reserve. The Entlebuch biosphere encompasses precious moorland with rare fauna and flora considered of international importance. Beautiful water meadows lie alongside the Kleinen Emme. The Escholzmatt municipal district extends to the Schrattenfluh, one of the most impressive karst landscapes in the pre-Alpine region.
The house (Galleli) is a tipical swiss house, beautifully renovated. It has 2 yurts, one for guests or workshops and 1 yurt sauna.
For sleeping there are 2 dorms with each 8 beds. The third room is our beautiful yurt that can host 6 people. We can host max 22 people.
How to get here:
From Lucerne, it is a 40min train ride to Escholzmatt. From the local trainstain a 8min walk to the house.
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We love food and we love you, having a conscious and sattvic diet is important for us, as food shall be nourishing and healthy. So we are super happy to have Monika and Schang who will be cooking delicious vegetarian/vegan ayurvedic influenced meals for us, with gluten free options.
Program and Daily Schedule
30th Arrive & Connect
Arriving after 4pm latest at 6pm.
6.30pm Dinner
8.00pm Opening Ceremony & Full Moon Ritual
31th Letting go of the old
8.00am – 9.30pam Meditation/Hatha Yoga
9.30am – 10.30am Breakfast
11.00am – ca 2.00pm Breathwork Ceremony
2pm Light lunch & Integration time
6.00 pm Indian Buffet
8.30pm Cacao Ceremony & Tribal Dance with live music
1th – embrace the new
9.00am – 10.30pam New Years Meditation & Morning Ritual
10.30am Brunch
12pm – ca 2pm Nature Walk & Earth Altar Building
2pm Lunch
4.00pm -6.00pm Clean & Restore in the Sauna
6.30 pm Dinner
8.30pm Setting Intentions for the New Year/ Fire Ritual
2nd Integrate & Breathe
8.00am – 9.30am Meditation/ Hatha Yoga
9.30am – 10.30am Breakfast
11am -2pm Open Flow, Rhythm and Voice
2pm Lunch
3pm- 6pm Breathwork Ceremony
6.30pm Dinner
8.00pm Jam Session - Bring your instruments
3rd – Celebrate
8am -9.30am Meditation/Hatha Yoga
9.30am Breakfast
12pm – 2pm Closing Circle
2.00 pm Light Lunch
4pm Good Bye
Sign Up:
YES, I'm interested in discovering the power of the breath!