Breathwork Facilitator Training
Become a Breathwork Facilitator
Share the power of breath with your community!
Breathwork Facilitator Training
Do you want to learn how to guide someone save through a powerful breathwork session ?
Are you interested to learn about your nervous system and receive tools to deepen your connection to your feelings and emotions, and apply this to your clients?
Breathwork is a tool that helps your clients, to release stuck emotions, look beyond patterns and understand the power within their own body.
This training is for therapists, bodyworkers, yogis and healers that want to enrich their offerings, and anyone who is interested to learn how to guide someone into a place of deep connection, and presence with themselves.
Breathwork is an incredible powerful healing modality.
It can bring you into very deep states of yourself, a trance like state, only using your breath. In a short time you can explore a heightened state of presence and self-awareness. With this specific conscious connected breathing technique you are moving your energy, and with that you probably get in touch with your thought- patterns, emotions and experiences beyond your mind.
You get the possibility to dive deep into your subconscious, moving stuck energy or traumas and let go of mental projections. Breathwork is a powerful medicine and deep work, it opens up, brings more aliveness and helps to shift your energy to bring more awareness to yourself and complete some healing in yet unresolved places.
In this breathwork training, we are focusing on a deep understanding of the breath, and its power including a profound holistic approach and working with intuition.
In the breathing we integrate gentleness, softness and opening, rather than catharsis. Supporting the nervous system to regulate and move out of the freeze state. Yet we deeply touch on the embodiment of emotions, prior to the breathwork sessions.
Each facilitator has to go through a personal journey embodying their own breath, to be able to guide a client into a save space of healing.
Safety is of highest priority. Holding space for others in order to heal requires a deep understanding of behaviours and patters, you will learn how to read your clients breaths and how your clients life patterns are reflected in the way he breathes. Integration, is as big as the breathing part itself. You will learn how to work with rituals, get familiar with the energy system, and learn how to use the powerful source of mother earth.
This training includes deep personal work and requires a strong commitment.
Breathwork Facilitator Training
This training is designed in a way to give you space and time to practise and grow with your personal and professional work.
Module 1 has to be taken first, then you can choose how you want to continue.
Module EARTH, Foundation: (10 Days)
Learn about the principles of breathwork and trauma and practice to give a save 1:1 Session.
Module WATER, Expansion: (7 Days)
Beyond Breathwork, sharpening your intuition and learn how to work with energies. You will get familiar with the chakra system and how to use it in your work, work with the elements, and experience to breathe in the water.
Module FIRE, Blossom: (7 Days)
Hold a save space as a group facilitator, learn and create rituals and ceremonies. Get into your power and share your magic.
Module AIR, Deep healing: (7 Days)
Deepening your knowledge about trauma, somatic tools and embodiment.
Module Earth, Foundation
What is included in the Earth Module, Foundation:
- Foundation & History of Breathwork.
- Everything about how to hold a 1-2-1 breathwork session incl daily practise.
- Creating /Holding a safe space for your clients and for transformation, healing and releasing.
- Anatomy of the breath and the art of touch.
- Several breathing practises and pranayama.
- Importance of Nutrition/Fasting in Breathwork
- Intuition and your own powerful capacity to work with people.
- How to recognise a trauma, how to deal with it and when to hand over to a trauma expert.
- Introduction into the Polyvagal Theory.
- Contra Indications and Catharsis.
- Introduction into purification practises with the elements (earth/water/fire/air).
- 1-2-1 Setting vs Group setting, why is it so important to give 1-2-1 sessions first.
- Introduction into soundhealing and music medicine for effective breathing journeys and integration.
- How to work with Emotions and Feelings.
- Integration practises.
- How to start giving sessions, building up your business/breathwork community.
The course days will usually start with movement/ active meditations, followed by integrated silence, sharings and organic healthy food.
It will be an organic flow and adaptation to the course participants. Means the content is subject to change. You will receive and give breathwork sessions almost every day.
A healthy physical and emotionally balanced state of being is required to be able to be part of this training.
Participation is only possible after personal interview and registration process. This training needs full commitment and awareness that a lot of emotions and feeling will come up for oneself. This is completely normal and part of the journey to be a good practitioner. Personal experience will make you a great facilitator.
Participation in either 1:1 work, Group sessions, Retreats or Workshops, hosted by Mela.
Earth Module, Foundation, Course Fee:
1444.- €, not incl. food and accommodation. 10 days. 12-16 participants.
Payment plans available, as well as scholarship programs for Portuguese citizen living in Portugal.
Upcoming Courses:
6-16th of June 2024 (Valley, Monte Mariposa, Algarve) 16 ppl. max
31st of Oct - 10th of Nov 2024 (Casa Eira, Ericeira) 12ppl. max (including sauna evenings)
8-18th of May 2025 (Valley, Monte Mariposa, Algarve) 16ppl. max
Testimonals, Earth Module Sept 23
Sophia, 31, Chile
Stephan, 35, Austria
Vanessa, 43, USA
Module Water, Expansion
What is included in the Water Module, Expansion:
- Learn everything about the chakra system and how to integrate it in to your practise.
- Deepen your practise with Sound Healing, Music Medicine
- Inner child work.
- Female / male specific needs
- Sexuality and breathwork
- Experience the power of breathwork in water.
- Practises to enhance and trust your intuition.
- How to integrate the power of intention & prayer.
- Altar building and working with your spirit guides.
- Creativity and how it helps your clients to express themselves.
- Daily breathwork sessions to deepen your practise.
- Practise of meditation & silence.
- Including the natures element in to your work, earth, water, fire and air.
- In depth practises for purifications, energetic cleanses.
This module is dedicated to explore deeper about energies, creativity and the work with your spirit guides.
The water module, can only be taken once you have completed the earth module.
Water Module, Expansion Course Fee:
888.- € for 7 days, not incl. food and accommodation. Max 12 participants.
Upcoming Course:
13th- 20th September 2024, Monte Mariposa, Algarve Portugal
Module Fire, Blossom
What is included in the Fire Module, Blossom:
- How to lead group breathwork ceremonies.
- How to professionally lead groups.
- Understanding group dynamics.
- Creating effective playlists, working with life music and/or sound healing.
- Creating a save container for breathers - Safety as a priority.
- Contra-indications for groups.
- Co-creating with others, working with assistants.
- How to prepare breathers for the process.
- Set and setting.
- Creating trust and openness within the group.
- The power of sharing circles.
- Daily Group breathwork ceremonies.
- Practise to lead groups from day 1.
- Meditations, movement and integration practises.
- Creating Rituals & Ceremonies
- Find your magic and what you want to share with the world through this work.
- Leadership as a way of life
This module is to go deep in the work with groups, to understand group dynamics and learn about how to weave in different elements, such as dance/movement, meditations, emotional work. You will learn about space holding, integration, after care and how to create a save space for difficult situations. It's the place where you come to own your own leadership and make you confident and shine in what you have to offer.
The Fire Module, can only be taken once you have completed the Earth Module.
Fire Module, Blossom, Course Fee:
888.- € for 7 days, not incl. food and accommodation. Max 12 participants.
Upcoming Courses:
1st- 8th December 2024, Monte Mariposa, Algarve Portugal
Module Air, Deep Healing
What is included in the Air Module, Deep Healing:
- Deepening your Knowledge about trauma and the effects on you as a facilitator and your clients.
- Your nervous system as your tool kit as a facilitator.
- Different modalities, somatic embodiment, bodywork, family constellation.
- Daily breathwork sessions.
- Daily somatic practices.
- A space for yourself to open up more, understand your patterns and shadows.
- Through your own healing you become a powerful leader.
- Meditations and Integration Practises.
- Lots of space for silence and integration.
Note this module is not to become a trauma specialist. This module shall empower you and your own healing journey and help you become a powerful leader. Through working with yourself you will be able to guide your clients into a save space through breathwork. This module requires a stable state of mind, as it can bring up lots of emotions and bring you into unknown places. It is a commitment to growth and healing. You will be fully supported on your journey.
This week will be supported by Katrin Heuser.
The Air Module, can only be taken once you have completed the Earth Module.
Required readings/material before attending.
Air Module, Deep Healing, Course Fee:
999.- € for 7 days, not incl. food and accommodation. Max 12 participants.
Including 2 integrations calls. (mandatory)
Upcoming Courses:
24th -30th of March, 2025 (Monte Mariposa, Algarve)
Team Members

Mela Mariposa - Founder and main facilitator
Mela Mariposa, a mom of 1 boy, a breathwork facilitator, spirit coach and cacao mama, she loves sharing her passion in rituals and ceremonies.
The main focus in Mela's work is to accompany her clients/groups into a state of presence and into their heart space, where transformation can take place. She loves working with people who want to develop their potential and fulfil their dreams, people who are ready to go deep and want to dissolve old patterns and habits.
Mela has a huge background knowledge, she worked for over 12 years as a nurse in psychiatric clinics, she is a holistic nutritionist and spent years studying the science and practise of traditional yoga. She has lived, trained and taught in various communities in Asia and Europe. Nowadays she integrates shamanic work, western therapeutic elements and elements from traditional Yoga & Tantra.

Eva Kormos - Kundalini Yoga teacher, Trauma Specialist
Since very early in my childhood I was searching for something. Something more meaningful and true than what life seemed to be. It felt that there is more to it and something important was missing. I tried to fill this gap with different forms of addictions which lately became my main field of interest in my work.
This deep longing in my heart brought me in various adventures in all sorts of spiritual paths, modalities of self-knowledge and healing works. The ones that had the strongest influence on my life was Self-Enquiry, Yoga, Dance Therapy and Non Violent Communication.
After my first encounter with hatha yoga I did some studies and practice in a tantric yoga path. In 2008 I met Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan and since then I’ve been practising and teaching this branch of yoga.
I completed my Level 1 and 2 trainings, I have a specialization in Addiction and Trauma Recovery, Yogic Science for Leadership and Success and Kundalini Yoga Counselling.
I’ve been working with addicts in different recovery facilities in Hungary and Italy and also on my private courses.
For me yoga is not limited to the time we spend on our yoga mat. Actually it starts after that. It makes sense only if we manage to translate our experiences into our daily life and supports us in our inner transformation, in the process of giving birth to our true self, cleaning all our false beliefs and limiting thoughts about ourselves.
I believe we are here to be happy and enjoy fully this human existence, serving each other with our gifts. I’m happy if I can support you in your journey of Self-discovery with the knowledge and tools of Kundalini Yoga.

Fabio Cancogni - Breathwork Facilitator, Oxygen Advantage
Fabio's breathwork journey began during a personal crisis, where he discovered the power of Pranayama to resolve mental conflicts and develop a new relationship with his mind.
Surprised that these techniques were not commonly taught, he embarked on a mission to help those struggling mentally and emotionally, providing effective coping strategies.
Today, Fabio's purpose lies in transforming the lives of those living in modern cities, where many feel disconnected from nature and themselves.
Focusing more on the scientific aspects of breathing, with a specific emphasis on functional and dysfunctional breathing patterns, he bridges the gap between conscious and unconscious living.
Fabio now successfully works with athletes, corporations, medical patients, and everyday individuals empowering them to enhance their well-being, find balance, and reconnect with their deepest self by explaining the profound impact of breath on their physical and mental state.

Katrin Heuser - Guest Teacher
Her whole life, Katrin has been interested in the body and movement. After many years of dance, her Scoliosis led her to Pilates and finally to Yoga and Thai Massage, which then became her path in life.
For Katrin, her work is about the never-ending exploration of the body and mind, and a way of discovering the beauty of life. As we bring awareness to what is happening inside and where we are in the present moment, the body is encouraged to release where it is holding. Then we can embark on a journey of restoration and growth.
She holds a 500h Level 4 NVQ Yoga Teaching qualification, trained in Manual Lymph Drainage and has studied extensively in Thai Yoga Massage and Osteothai, including a Master Osteothai qualification, over the past years. Through her work as a bodyworker comes also her understanding of trauma, chronic conditions and pain, as well as the influence of working with fascia, the craniosacral system, structural support and regulation of the nervous system.
Katrin used to run a Yoga Festival in London and launched an online anti-stress breathing programme. Since 2015 she has lived in Lisbon and runs Little Yoga Space, where she teaches and gives Osteothai treatments, and she is the director of Hadadi, offering foundation and advanced training courses in Thai Massage and trauma-informed Yoga worldwide.
Schedule Example
8- 9am Morning Movement (Yoga, Dance, active Meditation, Silent walks )
9am Breakfast (in silence)
10am- 1pm Theory and practises
1pm Light Lunch
3pm Breathwork Practise
5-6pm Integration Practice
7.30pm Dinner
9pm optional evening activities
Upcoming Dates:
Earth Module: 6-16th of June, Monte Mariposa,
31st of Oct- 10th of Nov, Ericeira
Water Module: 13th -20th of September
Fire Module: 1st- 8th of December
Air Module: 24th - 30th of March 2025
Please fill out the application form if you are interested in joining our program!